Surgical procedures are often a necessity, for a variety of different reasons, and it’s often the case that post-surgical rehab will be required to restore full physical function and mobility. It’s highly unlikely that any kind of surgery will not come with some kind of post-operative consequence – and, as such, physiotherapy can prove particularly […]
There are many benefits associated with keeping fit and active, enjoying playing sports of all varieties, everything from improving cardiovascular health and flexibility to building muscle, supporting bone health and reducing the risk of serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Unfortunately, however, all sports carry an inherent risk of physical injury, […]
It’s a common misconception that whiplash injuries aren’t real, mainly because it can be difficult to diagnose thanks to a lack of visible evidence and only patient reports and testimonials to rely on. However, whiplash is indeed a very real injury and one that can be quite debilitating if left untreated, taking a long time […]
Physical injuries are a fact of life and you’re sure to feel aches and pains at some point, no matter how active you are. Two of the most common complaints are sprains and strains – but what’s the difference between them both and how do you best go about treating each one? Sprains A sprain […]
The benefits of getting regular exercise are many and varied, with physical health often made the focus… and with excellent reason, of course. We need to move our bodies and train them in certain ways if we’re to continue to be strong and flexible as we age, which can help protect us against different diseases […]
It can be a lot harder to maintain physical activity levels during the winter months, as the days are shorter and colder, and it can be harder to engage in the pursuits we enjoy if they involve getting out and about in the fresh air. However, with just a few little changes here and there, […]
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition where sticky mucus can build up in the lungs and digestive system, leading to lung infections and issues with digesting food. Symptoms typically start in early childhood and progressively worsen over time, causing increasing amounts of damage over the years. There is currently no cure for the disease, but […]
There are many conditions that physiotherapy can be beneficial for and multiple sclerosis (MS) is one such health concern, affecting the brain and spinal cord in such a way to engender a range of different physical symptoms. There is currently no cure for the condition but there are ways in which symptoms can be managed, […]
Sustaining an injury of some kind if you’re very active can be distressing, not just from a physical pain perspective but also from a mental health viewpoint, as well. When you can’t do what you love and when you feel restricted mobility-wise, it can quickly take its toll on your general mood, putting you at […]
There’s no bad time to spark an interest in exercise, health and fitness – but, ideally, the sooner you embrace a healthy lifestyle the better it is for your future. Interestingly, new research from Vitality Life has just revealed that, while younger women in their 20s are reporting significant barriers to staying active, those in […]