Tag Archives: physiotherapy in maidenhead

Fascinating Sports Physiotherapy Innovations And Trends

Sports, athletics and other competitive endeavours can become about finding the absolute limit of the human body’s capabilities and breaking that limit in an attempt to find a competitive edge. The harder you push, however, the more strain you put on your body, which can require some time and care to recover. This is often […]

How Physio Can Aid A Foot Fracture Recovery

Few sporting injuries can be more frustrating than a foot fracture. Not only does it mean some time on the sidelines, but it is something people can feel every single time they stand up during the recovery process. This can happen to anyone from the weekend park runner to the international footballer, with Manchester City […]

Unexpected Benefits Of Physiotherapy

Physio Maidenhead

When most people think of physiotherapy, they will immediately think about its use as a means of helping people recovering from injuries. This is understandable, as most physiotherapy plans are centred around the individual needs of each person and targeted to help tackle an individual issue or concern after medical treatment. After all, if you suffer from […]

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Warm Up Exercises

If you are a little behind schedule, and impatient to get on with your morning run or gym session, it can be tempting to miss out warm-up exercises and jump straight in. However, sports therapists always recommend carrying out a proper warm-up routine. Here are some of the reasons why it is important to prepare […]

Protecting Your Posture While Home Working

With growing numbers of people now working from home because of the lockdown and social distancing measures, introduced to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, it’s important that you make sure the infrastructure you have at home is fit for purpose or you could really do your body some damage. It’s essential that you consider […]