What Is A Swedish Massage?

Going for a massage is a wonderful way to treat your body and there are all sorts of benefits associated with seeing a massage therapist, everything from reduced muscle tension and improved circulation to relaxation, better joint mobility and flexibility, stress reduction, lymphatic system stimulation, improved skin tone and better recovery from injury.

There are lots of different types of massage you can go for, all of which deliver their own specific range of benefits, but one of the most popular forms of treatment is the Swedish massage, characterised by passive joint movements, deep circular movements, long strokes and kneading.

Also known as a classic massage, this type of therapy is gentler than a deep tissue massage, so may be the better option if it’s tension relief and utter relaxation you’re looking for from your appointment.

It’s especially useful for loosening up tight muscles after exercise or if you’ve been sitting at your computer desk for a long time. If you know you hold lots of tension in your shoulders, neck and lower back, you may well find that a Swedish massage is particularly useful in helping you to release that tension and bring mobility back into your body.

Interestingly, the Swedish massage itself was devised by Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish fencing instructor, who sustained injuries to his elbows but was able to sort the problem out by using percussion strokes and tapping the affected area. He later developed this technique – and the Swedish massage was born!

Traditional Swedish massages typically involve the entire body and you can either start on your back or your stomach, turning over halfway through. If you have any areas on your body that are especially tight, make sure you tell your therapist so they can pay close attention to the spots that need the most work.


Looking for a massage therapist near you? Get in touch with Clear Physio today to see how we can help.