3 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions For 2023

Somehow the end of the year is just around the corner, which means that now is the perfect time for a little bit of self-reflection to help you decide where you want to go, what you want to achieve and who you want to be in 2023 and beyond.

Health-based resolutions are always popular at this time of year, but they can be difficult to stick to, so making sure you’re realistic in your ambitions and taking it day by day is perhaps the best strategy to employ. 

To help you get off on the right foot come January, here are some healthy new year’s resolutions that may be easier to keep than others. Which of these will be going at the top of your resolution list this year?


Sit less

This is a great one to get going with because it doesn’t require as much determination and motivation as saying you’ll hit the gym once a day from January onwards. It’s easy to build into your life and can make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing with very little effort whatsoever.


Sleep more

Sleep is so important for our health, with our wellbeing taking a serious nosedive if we;re sleep deprived, potentially increasing the risk of depression, weight gain, heart disease and so on. Working on your bedtime routine and giving yourself the best chance of getting a good night’s sleep could see you fully refreshed and revitalised in next to no time.


Cook more

Eating healthily doesn’t have to be boring at all and, in fact, if you resolve this year to start doing more cooking, you’ll soon open up a whole new wonderful culinary world for you and your family. Research shows that people who cook more enjoy better diet quality and are less likely to be overweight than those who find they eat on the go more.

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