4 Top Tips For Weight Loss

Wanting to lose weight and start following a healthier lifestyle is always a worthwhile endeavour, but it can be very difficult to stick to your goals, especially when you feel as though you’re doing all you can and nothing is happening.

To help you stick to your guns and start feeling more energetic, here are some top tips from the Clear Physio team. If you’d like any further help or advice, get in touch with us to see what we can achieve together.


Stock up on fibre

Eating food that helps you feel full for longer will stop you reaching for the snacks and help you live more healthily. Good sources of dietary fibre include bananas, strawberries, carrots, beetroot, broccoli and artichoke. A good rule of thumb to remember is that the darker your vegetables, the higher the fibre content!


Cut back on alcohol

If you feel as though you’re doing all you can with exercise and what you’re putting on your plate is all fine, then it may be your alcohol intake that’s holding you back. Cutting down by not drinking during the week can make a huge difference – and you may find you start extending this to the weekends as well.


Drink lots of water

It’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger, so instead of reaching for the snacks when you feel peckish try drinking some water and see if that makes a difference. Staying well hydrated will make you feel more alert and ready to tackle the day as well, so it’s a win-win!


Cook once, eat twice

Batch cooking healthy food is a really effective way of ensuring you’ve got something tasty in the fridge that’s actively good for you. You’ll also free up lots of your time and you’ll have lovely leftovers for lunch each day.


Considering hypnotherapy for weight loss? Get in touch with us today to find out more.