Poor posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. Slouching puts a strain on the muscles and joints connected to your spine, and also compresses your lungs and intestines. This can lead to difficulties with breathing and digesting food. However, there are some simple techniques which can prevent problems from building up.
Sit correctly at your desk
Avoid hunching over your keyboard with your head leaned forwards, as this can cause shoulder and upper back stiffness. Instead, sit all the way back in your chair with your knees bent at a right angle and your feet flat on the floor. Make sure the screen is placed at eye level, with the keyboard directly in front of you.
Avoid ‘text neck’
If you spend a lot of time texting on your phone, lift the device up to your eyes, rather than tilting your whole head down when reading messages. This will avoid putting strain on your spine.
Stand tall
When standing, think about keeping the body in perfect alignment. This doesn’t mean standing ramrod straight, but keeping the spine’s natural curvature, with relaxed shoulders. Tuck in your stomach and balance your weight evenly on both feet, about hip distance apart. Keep your legs straight but relaxed, and avoid tilting the head.
Adjust your car seat
Driving with your car seat pushed too far back can cause you to slouch too low. Pull the seat as close to the steering wheel as possible, while still allowing the legs to operate the pedals comfortably.
Do some core strength and chest exercises
Core strength exercises, such as bridges, planks, and back extensions, will help to correct a poor posture. Exercises to help strengthen the upper back and chest muscles, such as chest stretches, neck rotations, and pull-ups, will help rounded shoulders and neck stiffness.
If you are looking for a physiotherapist in Maidenhead, please get in touch today.