There’s a huge amount going on at the moment, globally and right here in the UK, so it’s perhaps unsurprising that the nation’s mental health is starting to suffer.
Being faced with constant change and negative situations is sure to take its toll and if you are starting to feel overwhelmed, it may be beneficial to see a healthcare professional to help you build resilience and find new coping strategies.
Anxiety is an incredibly common mental health condition – and one that’s becoming increasingly prevalent as time goes on. It’s important to remember that anxiety is a normal emotion and it is natural to feel anxious from time to time, but when your anxiety starts to become difficult to control, it’s possible that it could evolve into an anxiety disorder.
There are all sorts of techniques and strategies you can employ that can help ease your symptoms and bring you greater peace of mind, such as hypnotherapy for social anxiety.
Hypnotherapy combines certain therapeutic techniques with hypnosis, which puts your mind into a relaxed state, one where it’s more open to suggestion. When you’re in this almost trance-like state, your therapist will work to help your brain focus on your unhelpful thought patterns and try to replace your negative thinking with more positive solutions.
Your mind is more open to being guided towards positive change when you’re under hypnosis and you may well find that after a few sessions, you feel a lot calmer and your sense of self-belief is stronger, with reduced feelings of fear and anxiety. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with the Clear Physio team today.