Do I Have A Hamstring Injury?

Our hamstring muscles run from the back of the thigh from your hip to just below the knee and we need them to extend our legs and bend our knees. But if we’re not careful and these muscles are stretched beyond their limits, it’s possible to sustain an injury, which can be very painful indeed.

You’re more likely to experience a hamstring injury if you do a lot of sport that involves running or sprinting, or something like dancing where extreme stretching is required.

It’s also important to remember that if you’ve strained your hamstring before, you’re more likely to experience similar injuries in the future, so it’s essential that you give yourself sufficient time for your injuries to heal and so you can rebuild your strength.

Poor flexibility is also a risk factor for hamstring injuries, so bear this in mind when carrying out certain activities to help reduce the chances of strains.

Hamstring injuries are usually characterised by a sharp sudden pain in the back of the thigh, possibly accompanied by a tearing sensation. Muscle weakness may also be experienced and you may see bruising, swelling and tenderness, as well.

Mild strains and injuries can be treated by yourself at home with rest and ice to help you relieve the pain and swelling. However, if you’re worried or are experiencing severe symptoms, it may be advisable to see a medical professional.

Physio can be very effective at treating pulled hamstrings, ensuring that muscle fibres heal in the correct alignment to improve long-term outcomes. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with us today to discuss physiotherapy in Maidenhead.