How To Maintain Spine Health

Deep tissue massage - core exercise

While it’s important to maintain strength and flexibility throughout our entire bodies, one area that’s often neglected until we start to feel aches and pains is the spine. 

When it comes to exercise, health and fitness, focusing on your back and spine should always be a top priority because, without a strong spine, you’ll find that the rest of your physical wellbeing may well suffer as a result.

Back pain is one of the most common physical complaints that we address here at Clear Physio, so we’ve compiled a few handy tips to help you protect your spine and keep it healthy and strong as you get older. If you need any further help or advice, get in touch with the team today.


#1 Exercise your core

In order to protect your spine and lower back, you need to have strong and supple core muscles, so make sure that you’re targeting these specifically on a regular basis in order to ensure that they’re doing their job properly.


#2 Practise good posture

Your standing and sitting posture both need to be good in order to avoid putting pressure on your spine and lower back. Sitting in particular can be damaging on the discs in your lower back, so make sure you avoid slouching or leaning forward while sitting down to reduce the stress being placed on your lumbar spine.


#3 Enjoy regular massages

Whether you have lower back pain or not, regular massage therapy can do a huge amount to keep your spine in excellent health, helping to keep the muscles loose, increase blood flow and circulation, and make you feel incredibly relaxed all over.


#4 Maintain a healthy weight

One of the best ways to protect your spine is to eat a well-balanced diet and make sure you maintain a healthy weight so you don’t put too much stress on your back.